By the numbers – ROOST’s weekly content email reaches 21,000 viewers

01 Jun By the numbers – ROOST’s weekly content email reaches 21,000 viewers

May 31, 2017 – Each week, ROOST sends out a promotional email called Adirondacks, USA to a database list of tens of thousands of travelers who have expressed an interest in the region. Each email contains original content blogs written about the unique experiences available in each of our Adirondack destinations.

ROOST tracks the performance of each email and draws comparisons to previous ones sent, in order to maximize traffic to our regions’ websites.

The chart located below illustrates the reach of the last five emails. The open rate is the number of times that email has been opened, including multiple openings by the same recipient. The unique opens is how many individuals opened that email. CTR stands for click through rate and shows how many of the people that opened the email clicked any of the links inside, whereas the total click through rate (TCTR) is a measurement of how many people came back to the email after clicking through to a blog, event, or advertisement in our email to click another link.

You can view the five most recent email blasts by clicking below:

Back to basics

We’re ready. Are you?

Counting on spring

Flowers, forts, fish and fun!

All things spring

Sign up to receive the email, and share the blogs and stories you like in order to boost your destination’s visibility.

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